Cat all of the sudden discovers the new pets in the house.

Funny pets cats

Funny Pet Pics!!!!

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Cat and Dog Fight - Funny Pet video

All in good fun, Matilda the Australian Blue Heeler mix and Kabuki the cat mutt, enjoy some good clean fun on the bed. A fight, yes, but no one was hurt

Kid shows funny animals :D

Kid shows her funny pet animals. This is a web show for family and children started by our 7-year-old daughter. Our daughter likes watching iCarly (a Nickelodeon TV program) about kids making a web show. She likes it so much that she wanted to create her own web show, "The iCat Show". Blog at Facebook Actor's resume

Visiting a friend - Pets Next Door

Hi my name is buzzbee and Im Snowbells friend! For more cute and funny pets, download our iPhone and Android mobile apps. Visit us at

Funny pets

Dog flipping his bed on top of him and running round in circles with it on